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Saturday, April 1, 2017


In 2016, we saw the continuing battle between iOS and automation, the increase of the national developer initiative, the growing quality of hybrid applications and innumerable tries to battle mobile app insecurities. What are the most recent trends in mobile application development for 2017 and beyond? Browse on to seek out!


Top five trends in mobile app development

IoT-related apps dominate

By the tip of this year, there'll be more than 6.4 billion connected gadgets worldwide. The web of Things is shaping mobile app future trends since nearly each IoT resolution desires a fanatical application enabling users to manage good devices. Though building IoT-related computer code isn't that completely different from what developers are doing for years, most net of Things solutions are innovative by default and sometimes need integration with third-party or niche devices and services. Also, IoT mobile apps don't essentially run on a smartphone. Embedding IoT in your Android apps development greatly benefits your business.

Messengers still evolve

The evolutions of messengers were one in every of the most important factors behind the 2016 mobile development trends; the subsequent year, messengers and AI chatbots can become a trend of their own. Businesses ask for new ways in which to achieve dead set their target market. Though users pay over eighty-fifth of their mobile time in apps, solely five applications – together with messengers and social media – see serious use. Whereas high-quality mobile apps still facilitate firms increase complete visibility, it’s obtaining easier to act with customers through WhatsApp, Facebook traveler, and WeChat.

Enterprise mobile apps go small & hybrid

Millennial (those confident guys born with technology at their fingertips) have formally become the most important generation of the USA workforce. They worth flexibility, use 3-4 devices within the geographic point and believe the present enterprise computer code (CRMs, ERPs and different solutions that are alleged to boost productivity) in truth slows down worker performance. As additional firms take enterprise solutions to smartphones, tablets and even wearables, the demand for mobile developers can outstrip the out there capability by five hundredths. Ways in which out? Mistreatment no-code and low-code development tools (aka national Developer Initiative) can become one in every of the most popular trends in mobile Android apps development. However, one cannot expect any worker with any computer code engineering expertise to form a superior mobile application.

Android-first is finally happening

Back in March we have a tendency to listed many reasons why iOS-first was still among mobile app development future trends, citing automaton fragmentation and also 90% revenue gap between the App Store and Google Play because the main arguments for testing the waters with an iOS application. Next year, automaton might finally take over because the platform is currently prioritized by forty sevenths of skilled developers. Here’s why. First, there’s a growing tendency to make mobile applications for driving complete awareness and client loyalty (compared to direct monetization that continues to be a factor on the App Store). Second, it’s the new rising markets (including China, Bharat and occupant countries) dominated by automaton that recently saw more than 18.4% growth in smartphone sales (compared to simply 8.2% for mature markets). Finally, it’s the evolution of the automaton system. With improved developer pointers, security updates and candy up its sleeve, Google Play is on course to outgo the App Store each in terms of downloads and revenue;

UX can marry accessibility

Over eighteen million USA voters were born with some reasonable incapacity or no heritable one later in life. More than 54% of those individuals use a smartphone. It’s a large and for the most part underdeveloped market since few vendors build computer code with accessibility in mind. Due to IoT, the cases can be amended for the higher. Home automation systems, medical alarms and communication solutions almost like SignGloves open up new opportunities for the disabled and cut back barriers to living severally. In step with Eve Anderson, Accessibility Engineering Manager at Google, individuals with special desires don’t need to own mobile apps and good gadgets designed for them – instead, they’d prefer to use standard applications and devices during a completely different means. If you've got plans for Android Apps development in 2017 – either for AN IoT widget or a standalone one – certify to form many mixed-ability use situations throughout the MVP/Proof of thought stage, style easy user interfaces that don't need complicated gestures and introduce multiple switch choices.

Author Bio:

Taimoor Khan is one of the Enthusiastic and innovative writers and in Android apps development. for last 15 years and currently


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